I never considered a woman's intellect to be a factor either way. If she musked me, that was about all I needed as encouragement.
It's just as easy to stalk a smart woman as a not so smart woman.
i just read tyydyy's post on macho men.
kent had an interesting point:.
i'd say a girl would go for a man - and then i mean someone who isn't scared shitless by a girl with brains!.
I never considered a woman's intellect to be a factor either way. If she musked me, that was about all I needed as encouragement.
It's just as easy to stalk a smart woman as a not so smart woman.
let me tell you a story.
i have a wonderful 18 year old son who is almost as smart as he thinks he is.
he is currently a freshman at northeastern university in boston, in their engineering program.
Congrats on your son and his academic achievement. However, since the sun will die out within the next 2 billion or so years and the earth will cease to support human life, don't you feel that your money to send him to college is rather a waste? Wouldn't he be better off worrying about the end of the world, even if it means a life of manual labor?
Happy Thanksgiving!
i'm sure you all have some good comical stories of pple farting during prayer or other quiet times during meeting.
as a personal experience of mine, the night before i had eaten a frozen pizza, doritos, and some old chocolate milk.
this combination produced the worst smelling brew i have ever had.
I could never be quite sure if the smells at the Kingdom Hall were farts, body odor or bad breath.
just thought i would take a look over at wol.
then, i found this.. of course, all the responses were what fantastic news this was.. .
hdhslh .
This story sounds like the beginning of another human tragedy. Four unsuspecting humans being prepped for a living hell on earth. But you know, nobody is twisting their arms. At least not the adults. Too bad they have children.
looking back on it now,after over twenty years as an "apostate", the wts position on holidays is amusing if nothing else.
the organization has convinced it's followers that only one day of special observance is sanctioned by "jehovah".
that is the memorial celebration.
Looking back on it now,after over twenty years as an "apostate", the WTS position on holidays is amusing if nothing else. The organization has convinced it's followers that only one day of special observance is sanctioned by "Jehovah". That is the Memorial Celebration. They would suggest that cranky ol' Jah will not contenance any other expressions of gratitude or celebration without his condemnation of those who dare do so. Also, the great "Jehovah", God of Israel, has so much free time on his hands that he keeps track of peoples "holiday" errors and judges them accordingly.
Let's briefly consider the pre-Christian era of the nation of Israel (Jehovah's chosen people). They had a festival, special day, special year or celebration for almost everything imaginable. Now the argument would be made by JW's that Jehovah commanded the Israelites to celebrate these things in this way. This paints a picture of Israelites as ungrateful, thoughtless subjects, who were only able to show their thankfulness to Jehovah at his direction and command. No spontaneous expressions of thanks allowed. If I tell my children that they can live in my house, eat my food, spend my money and have my protection, if and only if they say "thank you" to me
on certain days and at certain times, or they may lose these things, how would I ever know if they really loved or cared about me? Furthermore, if they thank me on any other day, or in any other way they will bring about my displeasure. How fucked up is that?
Bringing us to the modern celebration of Thanksgiving, how dare people set aside a special day in November to give thanks to God for whatever it is that people may be thankful for. Why risk pissing God off, since he didn't instruct us to have a celebration of "Thanksgiving"?
So you see, the absurdity of JW rules about holidays can only be seen when you have separated yourself from the brainwashing of the governing body. I wish there were a burning hell so each and every one of the Brooklyn bastards past and present could burn in it for eternity.
Happy Thanksgiving All!
hello all, i think you will find this interesting:.
well the meeting took place and i have to say it had a few surprises.
one of the biggest surprises was that it was truly non-confrontational in every respect.
I am glad I read your post. You handled the conversation in an outstanding way. Perhaps you planted a seed with him. Just a small seed of doubt.
Best Regards,
did any of you have disproportionate fears of demons, and if you are able to, what was your experience in your emotions with these strong fears?
how did knowledge at such a young age affect you with the detailed graphic descriptions given my the published litureture?
were there any publications which freaked you in any way?
When I was in my late teens and early twenties, as a JW, I thought a demon lived in my underwear. I haven't been bothered by him that much since I've been married.
the book "who wrote the bible?
" by richard friedman is the best single source i've found for explaining the origins of the torah.
the "documentary hypothesis", now almost universally accepted, posits that the "five books of moses" were in fact written by at least four people as late as the return from exile.
Drum Roll Please:
The Bible was written by Bernie Finklestein in 450 AD. It was originally published by Bantam books. It never made the New York Times Best Seller list. In fact, in some cities it was considered too sexually explicit for children to read.
I think you will find that I'm right about this.
it seems to me this site is full of anti jehovah's witness members.its easy to point out weaknesses of others or the organization they represent.jehovah's witnesses do often with other religions.if you all have decided that jehovah's witnesses are bad people or that the organization is false,then which one is the true religion?which religion teaches the correct doctrines?which religion represents gods truth?this question is for anyone.i'm asking this question with sincerity.
There is only one true religion that serves the true God Zeus. Since Zeus lives on Mt. Olympia with the lesser gods, the name of this religon is Olympianism. I happen to be a paid minister and gladly accept donations to further our work of keeping mere mortals in line.
moxy raised a point in the "exaggeration" thread that aggravated me at the meetings.
moxy mentioned the word 'hyperbole' as frequently being mispronounced.. another one that bugged me was 'epitome'.
Given these amusing examples, I would like to someday go to Fredhall's WT study to hear his comments. Probably a giggle a minute.